What Our Authors Say

Page has put together Plotstorms that have been an absolute game-changer for my writing process. Whenever I hit a wall with my story or feel stuck on a particular plot point, I know I can rely on my team in the Plotstorms sessions to give me ideas, talk me through any issues, and give me inspiration. The ideas generated during these sessions have been exactly what my books have needed to move forward. Page’s Plotstorms have been a fantastic opportunity to talk about craft, get new ideas, and hold myself accountable to making real progress.

Mary S.

Page has a knack for solving plot issues and providing honest, encouraging feedback. Her knowledge of the Amazon self-publishing world has been beyond helpful! Her help has made it possible for me to focus on the fun part of being an indie author—writing the stories I want to write—instead of sweating keywords, categories, and ISBN stuff. Thank you, Page!

Elise Haynes

Page was so very helpful, patient, and professional in helping me through the process of becoming a self-publisher, just as she was as my publisher with Edevane Publishing. I have two coloring books that went through this process. With the first, Page showed me, step by step, what do, and then with the second book, I did each step myself, with Page guiding me as I needed. I feel quite confident in soon self- publishing my third coloring book.

Cris Faraj

Your Reviews Help Authors

We found that traditional publishing contracts limited the number of authors we could help. So while we’re continuing to complete the traditional contracts we have for Edevane Publishing and Explore Forever, we’re switching up our Evertegrity Romance business model to focus on helping more indie authors self-publish.

Specifically, this round we’re coaching only Sweet Contemporary Romance Authors, and we’re limiting the class to only 8 authors who have a completed manuscript.

What We Can Help You With:
Share your talents with the world and publish your novel in 8 weeks.

How KISS Publishing Coach Can Help You


8 Weeks of weekly live classes (and recordings if you can’t make it live) to learn and publish your first book with our KISS Publishing method:


Know Your Audience – We start off with a deep dive into your novel to understand and use precision marketing research to identify and reach your specific audience for this specific book


Integrate Your Strategy – Make educated decisions about your publishing and marketing strategies to align with your vision for your writing career, and get your book ready to launch


Set-up for Success – Draft the actual marketing content, register your work with the appropriate offices, and bring your book into the world!


Sustain Your Momentum – With our Plotstorms and Sprints, establish sustainable habits and processes to continue audience engagement, start plotting and drafting the next book, continue to level up your writing and marketing skills, and connect with authors in your genre.


Sustain Your Momentum – With our Plotstorms and Sprints, establish sustainable habits and processes to continue audience engagement, start plotting and drafting the next book, continue to level up your writing and marketing skills, and connect with authors in your genre.

What are plotstorms?

Page hosts Plotstorms & Sprints for a private group of sweet romance authors. We discuss writing craft books on how to plot, we deconstruct sweet romance novels to see what worked and what didn’t, and we brainstorm together to fix plot holes or sticking points in our own stories. Authors who complete the KISS Publishing Coach course will receive a standing invite.

Do you still publish for authors?

At this time, we are accepting very few new submittals for traditional publication contracts. However, opportunities for hybrid publishing contracts may be available. Submittals and contracts for each imprint are managed separately, and the current status for each brand is on the individual imprint pages. Traditional contracts already in place will continue to be published as defined therein.

Why are you switching from traditional publishing to hybrid publishing?

We can help more authors make more profit by coaching them through the technical aspects of publication. Traditional publishing ties up a lot of time and resources, limiting the level of positive change we can bring to the world.

Why aren’t you offering coaching for children’s book authors or nonfiction authors?

At this time, we’re focusing our efforts on one audience – Sweet Romance Authors – to ensure we provide the highest possible value, rather than diluting our attention and efforts across multiple genres.